
Frontend Programming Course

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Frontend Programming Course

Frontend Programming Course

The Art Of Developing The Interactive And Visual Components Of A Website Or Web Application That Users Interact With Directly Is Known As Front-End Development, Sometimes Abbreviated As Client-Side Development. Front-End Developers Use Languages Like Javascript To Add Dynamic Behavior And Interactivity, CSS To Style And Arrange Content, And HTML To Organize It. Their Responsibility Encompasses Guaranteeing A Smooth And Aesthetically Pleasing User Experience Across Various Devices And Browsers. Front-End Development Is The Process Of Converting Conceptual Design Into Functioning, Responsive Interfaces While Maximizing Usability And Performance. Front-End Developers Are Essential To The Success Of Digital Projects Because They Employ Frameworks And Libraries To Speed Up Development And Improve User Interfaces, Which Is A Result Of The Ongoing Advancement Of Web Technology.

Course Modules

  • Introduction to HTML
  • The basic structure of HTML document
  • Common HTML tags and their functions
  • Adding headings, and paragraphs to web pages
  • Inserting images into web pages
  • Creating hyperlinks in HTML Creating HTML tables
  • Table elements (rows, columns, headers)
  • Table formatting (cell padding, cell spacing, borders)
  • HTML Lists
  • unordered Lists
  • ordered lists
  • HTML Forms
  • Form Input Types (Text, Password, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, etc.)
  • Form Validation
  • CSS
  • CSS Syntax
  • Types Of CSS (Inline, Internal, and External CSS)
  • Text Properties (Text Color, Text Background Color)
  • Box Model Properties (Margin, Padding, Border)
  • Background Properties (Background-Color, Background-Image)
  • CSS Position (Static, Relative, Fixed, absolute, Sticky)
  • JS Introduction
  • JS Getting Started
  • JS Syntax
  • JS & DOM (Document Object Model)
  • DOM Method
  • DOM Elements
  • DOM Forms
  • DOM Animations
  • DOM Events
  • Introduction of JQuery
  • JQuery Effects
  • jQuery Hide/Show
  • jQuery Fade
  • jQuery Slide
  • jQuery Animate
  • jQuery stop()
  • jQuery Callback
  • jQuery Chaining
  • JQuery HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Introduction
  • Bootstrap Getting Started
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Bootstrap Fixed Layout
  • Bootstrap Fluid Layout
  • Bootstrap Responsive Layout
  • Bootstrap Tables
  • Bootstrap Lists
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Bootstrap Images
  • Bootstrap Cards
  • Bootstrap Icons
  • Bootstrap Navbar
  • Bootstrap Badges
  • Bootstrap Progress Bars